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Jennifer Greene

Superstar Consultant


My Story

My story begins with a gift of a Scentsy Enchanted Wax Warmer and samples of some wonderful holiday scents during my favorite season - Christmas, in 2010. I didn't know then, that I could have been a part of this wonderful organization, until the Spring of 2012. Once I told my friends that my sister was coming up from FL to throw me a Scentsy party, many of them had already used Scentsy’s warmers, and I was ecstatic that so many of them came to my party!  

Fast forward to August 2013...count me in, sis! My older sister, and Sponsor, Nance...she's the reason I've become a Consultant. Having my sister as my Sponsor, it rocks!  My original goal - I just wanted to earn enough commission to keep my own house smelling good, basically for nothing! A small goal that was easily achieved :). With the addition of so many new products, this business has gotten even MORE fun! The introduction of the Essential Oil Diffusers a few seasons ago, was something I never thought I'd see....and Scentsy knocked it out of the park! Our diffusers are second to none....and a LIFETIME WARRANTY on every Scentsy creation...? How can you go wrong??  I just can't keep my mouth closed about Scentsy these days...

With a husband and fourteen 3- and 4-legged children at home, most of which are Siberian Huskies (yep, you read that right!) Scentsy fools my friends and family...wondering what smells so good that I've just taken out of the oven! I love the bakery scents so much more than the "pet" scent my home used to have. All it takes is one whiff, then they ask, "What are you baking?" and everyone's shocked at the truth & are instantly hooked!

I'm so thankful to be a part of this crazy business! I wish I had been involved years ago, but I think it wasn't the right time for me to join.  Nance would not have been my Sponsor then (hmmm...maybe I'd have been HER Sponsor??). 

I'm building a fast moving team, and I love fundraising for every Husky Rescue that will have me - WHY NOT COME WITH US? Join me, then we can Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses and Inspire the Soul of everyone we meet! This is my RETIREMENT, folks! Traveling and earning trips for my husband and myself, has been the best part....I'm having a BLAST sharing Scentsy everywhere I go! This business has changed my life considerably, and my team is second to none! I cannot wait to see what new incentive trips I can earn, and where we'll travel to next...!


What's warming in my home